Hamilton County
1887 County History

The following is a transcription of the Hamilton County sections of The History of Gallatin, Saline, Hamilton, Franklin, and Williamson Counties, Illinois (Chicago: Goodspeed Publishing Co., 1887).  I have tried to accurately reproduce the original text and format.  The original page numbers are noted in <green> and the names of people are highlighted.  The transcription of the Hamilton County history and biography sections is only partially completed.  If anyone has access to the 1887 county history and would like to help with the transcription, please contact me.  I would like to eventually get online the entire text of the Hamilton County sections along with the an index.  Thank you to June Riccio who is now providing scanned text of the pages of the history and biographies which makes it much easier to get online.

1887 County History Title Page

<pg. iii>


OUR history of Gallatin, Saline, Hamilton, Franklin and Williamson Counties, after months of persistent, conscientious labor, is now completed.  Every important field of research has been minutely scanned by those involved in its preparation, and no subject of universal public value has been omitted save when protracted effort failed to secure trustworthy results.  The impossibility of ingrafting upon the pages of this volume the vast fund of the counties' historic information, and the proper omission of many valueless details have compelled the publisliers to select such matter as are deemed of the greatest importance.  Fully aware of our inability to furnish a perfect history from meagre public documents, inaccurate private correspondences, and numberless conflicting traditions.  We make no pretention of having prepared a work devoid of blemish.  Through the courtesy and generous assistance met with everywhere, we have been enabled to rescue from oblivion the greater portion of important events that have transpired in past years.  We feel assured that all thoughtful people in the counties, at present and in the future, will recognize and appreciate the importance of the undertaking and the great public benefit that has been accomplished.
     It will be observed that a dry statement of fact has been avoided, and that the rich romance of border incident has been woven with statistical details, thus forming an attractive and graphic narrative, and lending beauty to the mechanical execution of the volume and additional value to it as a work for perusal.  We claim superior excellence in the systematic manner of collecting material by workers in specialties, in the subdivision into topics, and in the ample and comprehensive index.  We also, with pride, call the attention of the public to the superb mechanical execution of the volume.  While we acknowledge the existence of unavoidable errors, we have prepared a work fully up to the standard of our promises, and as accurate and comprehensive as could be expected under the circumstances.
                                                                       THE PUBLISHERS.
     July, 1887.

<pg. v>


HAMILTON COUNTY ............................... 241
     Agricultural Board .................................. 311
     Banks ........................................................ 298
     Bar, The Present ..................................... 288
     Belle City .................................................. 311
     Black Hawk War ..................................... 263
     Broughton ............................................... 310
     Business, The Present ........................... 294
     Church History ....................................... 322
     Circuit Court ............................................ 283
     Company A, Fourteenth Regiment ...... 268
     Company C, Fifty-sixth Regiment ........ 269
     Company G, Fifty-sixth Regiment ........ 269
     Company A, Eighty-seventh Regiment 270
     Company E, Eighty-seventh Regiment 271
     Company K, One Hundred and Tenth
        Regiment ..............................................
     Company K, One Hundred and Thirty-
        first Regiment .......................................
     Company D, Sixth Cavalry .................... 272
    <pg. vi>  
     Company H, Sixth Cavalry .................... 273
     Company K, Sixth Cavalry .................... 274
     Constitutional Convention ................... 260
     Crimes, Some Remarkable ..................... 289
     County Buildings, The First ................. 277
     County Commissioner's Court ............. 275
     County Officers ...................................... 259
     Crops and Conditions, Early ................ 256
     Crouch Township .................................. 249
     Dahlgren .................................................. 307
     Deeds, The First ..................................... 255
     Early Settlers ........................................... 244
     Election Returns ..................................... 262
     Farmer's Mutual ...................................... 312
     Geology ................................................... 242
     Hamilton College .................................... 319
     Hotel Rates .............................................. 278
     Hoodville ................................................. 311
     Incorporation of McLeansboro ........... 301
     Indian and Other Stories ....................... 250
     Institute Fund ......................................... 321
     Land Entries, The First .......................... 252
     Legislature, Members of the ................ 261
     Local Names ............................................ 243
     Logansport .............................................. 309
     Macedonia .............................................. 310
     McLeansboro ......................................... 292
     McElvain, John ....................................... 287
     Mexican War ........................................... 263
     Military History ...................................... 262
     Mills ......................................................... 295
     Organization of the County .................. 285 [sic]
     Pioneer Times ......................................... 251
     Piopolis .................................................... 310
     Press, The ................................................ 299
     Quota, War .............................................. 264
     Raines, Henson G.................................... 274
     Regiment, Fortieth .................................. 264
     Schools .................................................... 313
     Secret Societies ...................................... 296
     Settlement ................................................ 243
     Soil ............................................................ 242
     Teacher's Institute ................................. 320
     Thackeray ................................................ 309
     Topography ............................................ 241
     Townshend, James H.............................. 288
     Township Organization ......................... 282

<pg. ix>


<pg. x>  
Anderson, Maj. J. T......................................  671
Atchisson, Hierom ....................................... 672
Asher & Ledbetter ....................................... 673
Atkinson, R. C............................................... 673
Benson, V. S.................................................. 675
Berridge, Isaac G........................................... 676
Biggerstaff, Silas .......................................... 677
Brown, James H............................................ 678
Buck, W. W................................................... 678
Burton, James M........................................... 679
Campbell, Hon. J. R...................................... 680
Carey, Ira B.................................................... 684
Cloud, A. G.................................................... 685
Cloud, C. G..................................................... 685
Coker, Capt. Joseph .................................... 686
Coker, W. A................................................... 687
Corn, John H.................................................. 688
Crouch, W. D................................................. 689
Dale, John H.................................................. 690
Dale, Marion C.............................................. 690
Darnall, W. J.................................................. 691
Davis, W. C................................................... 692
Davis, R.......................................................... 693
Douglass, B. F............................................... 694
Eswine, Louis ............................................... 695
Flannigan, Wm. R. & Co.............................. 696
Garrison, T. J.................................................. 697
Gates, Samuel E............................................. 698
Gowdy, R. M.................................................. 700
Hale, L. J......................................................... 701
Hall, W. F....................................................... 701
Hall, H. W...................................................... 702
Hall, C. M....................................................... 703
Hamill, David ................................................ 704
Hamill, William .............................................. 705
<pg. xi>  
Hanagan, David ........................................... 705
Hassett, Prof. J. J.......................................... 706
Henderson, N. C........................................... 707
Hinkle, Hiram ................................................ 707
Hunt, John T................................................. 708
Irvin, John E................................................... 709
Johnson, W. B............................................... 710
Johnson, Capt. C. A..................................... 710
Johnson, John W......................................... 712
Judd, John .................................................... 712
Kipp, Lieut. H. A. W..................................... 713
Lane, J. H........................................................ 714
Lane, James ................................................... 715
Lee, John R.................................................... 716
Lyon, Dr. C. M............................................... 718
McConnell, Will ........................................... 718
Mangis, G. W................................................ 719
Marshall, Hon. S. S....................................... 719
Marshall, John W......................................... 723
Meador, R. L.................................................. 724
McKinzie, A. S.............................................. 725
McGehee, Wm.............................................. 726
Mercer, I. N................................................... 727
Miller, E. N..................................................... 728
Moore, A. R.................................................. 729
Morgan, P. W................................................ 730
Moorman, J. P............................................... 731
Neel, Dr. E. G................................................. 732
Organ, Dr. John S.......................................... 733
Pake, Samuel J............................................... 734
Pope, C. W..................................................... 735
Proudfit, Robert ........................................... 736
Proudfit, David ............................................. 737
Pulliam, A. H.................................................. 738
Rickcords, Wm.............................................. 739
Robinson, James E........................................ 740
Standerfer, J. B.............................................. 741
Stelle, T. B...................................................... 741
Sullenger, A. T.............................................. 742
Suttle, John M............................................... 743
Todd, Charles S............................................. 744
Twigg, Squire James .................................... 745
Upchurch, J. H............................................... 747
Upton, John H............................................... 748
Vaughn, Thos. B........................................... 749
Walker, Leonidas.......................................... 749
Walters, Albert............................................. 750
Weaver, Dr. C. B........................................... 751
White, J. K. P................................................ 752
Wilson, John H............................................. 753
Wood, John J................................................ 754
Young, Alvin A............................................. 755

Go to the History Section
Go to the Biography Section

If you would like to help with the transcription of the 1887 county history or with any other transcriptions such as census, please contact me.


Michael L. Hébert
Copyright © 1996-2005.  All rights reserved.
Last updated on Friday, 07-Mar-2008 05:25:56 PST.